Beep Beep Beep....The Verizon battery pack that beeped its way through my night is silent. No, not because I kicked the damn thing off the wall, but because the customer service man told me to unplug and re-plug and it would stop beeping for probably another two years. So far he is right and the box on the wall lives for yet another day. If only life were that simple.
what would Jack Bauer do?.... I have never returned to the Jiffy Lube and most assuredly never will. I did however scan the papers to see if there were any recent homicides involving stilt girl, Eminem or anyone named Big Mac….none. And my husband will just have to go it alone next time, so much for spending time together.
8 to 12.... The Sears repairman came….only it was a repairwoman. She installed some part, clicked away on her laptop, made two phone calls and deemed the unit un-fixable. They gave me a store credit to buy another one since it was still under a service contract. For the first time in my 35 (or is it 36 now) year marriage I was glad my husband convinced me to purchase one of those damn service contracts that cost a fortune and usually expire by the time you need it. New unit in, old unit out….and on my back deck since my husband insists it can be fixed. My daughters are currently in an emotional bidding war to see who will get the unit if it is fixable.
Beige goes with everything.... The fish are gone. The blue walls are gone and the ceiling is beige (thanks partially to my son-in-law and his big stick….don’t go there!) That’s as far as I have gotten. Bathroom - 2 Me - 1
Of Kings and Queens.... My son is gone a month. I have stopped reading the paper looking for Queens related homicides. I have stopped hearing his phantom car pull in the driveway so I can go to bed. I have stopped waiting to cook so he doesn’t have to eat leftovers. I have not stopped missing my son.
One potatoe, two potatoe….The month of March passed without me killing my mother in law, so on April 22nd she turned 84. We planned a brunch at a local diner which is no easy feat considering there are about 100 reasons she could come up with not to leave the house that particular morning. The virtually always empty diner was jammed packed that morning and seating for 13 was tricky. Fun was had by all….until my mother in law called later to say she was ill and puking and she shouldn’t have gone. Happy Birthday Mom!
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