Wednesday, October 7, 2009

what the #$@*!

I have to stop reading the paper. It upsets me. No, it more than upsets me, it causes me to….well, Ramble.

A writer for the Daily News is upset with the CDC for not making a bigger deal out of the fact that, according to him, statistics show that blacks and Hispanics are contracting the swine flu more often than the rest of us. Maybe we wash our hands more, maybe we cover our nose and mouth more when we sneeze, maybe we throw our used tissues away before the germs can make their way to another poor soul. Whatever the reason, what is his point? Would he feel better if the white Americans got the flu more? The Italians? Greeks? What the $#@*! He goes on to quote statistics from Boston, Chicago and Oklahoma where again, blacks and Hispanics (oh, and in Oklahoma, Native Americas as well) are coming down with swine flu more often. He claims it is because they are from low-income families who can’t afford health care and therefore can’t go to the doctor and therefore can’t get the care they need and therefore end up in cardiac arrest and therefore have to go to the emergency room for treatment. I have an idea, you get sick and fear you have the swine flu…..go to the emergency room. Don’t wait til you go into cardiac arrest….a low income doesn’t make you lose your common sense. A Brooklyn pediatrician attributes the high Hispanic numbers to the fact that so many Mexican immigrants (many of them illegals) have compromised immune systems due to a lack of Vitamin D. The news writer wants the CDC to waste valuable money that could be spent on preventing or curing the flu on a study to prove that blacks and Hispanics are the most likely candidates to get it.

Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani (say that three times fast) was the first Al Qaeda murderer to be brought to the United States from Guantanamo by President Obama. He is going to be tried in Manhattan’s Federal Court by 12 you-and-me New Yorker’s instead of a military tribunal. This bomb making one-time cook for Osama Bin Laden lucked out again when Attorney General Holder decided that the Manhattan U.S attorney could not ask for the death penalty. We are sending a terrible message to the nations that wish to do us harm….we are going soft. We will indict and prosecute, but we will do so with a weakened sympathetic and caring hand. When questioned why the death penalty was removed from the proverbial table, a unintelligible answer surfaced. Since earlier embassy bombers were spared the death penalty, then it would only be fair to keep it consistent. What the $#@*! The mastermind of the 9/11 attack, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed may also be sent to New York for prosecution. What then? Will Holder also allow him to escape the death penalty under his ‘consistency’ rule? Why is it again that President Obama wants Guantanamo closed?

David Letterman slept with several woman. Consensual sex. That would be where two adults agree to have sex. Good for him. But there are people that feel that he abused his employer status and therefore abused them. What the $#@*! The girl in the middle is 34, not 16. She knew what she was doing when she climbed between the sheets with Letterman, and then again with the producer Joe Halderman (the dumbest blackmailer in history). What she didn’t know was that when you cheat on your live-in with your boss you need to NOT take notes. Not write everything down. (Didn’t Monica’s stained blue dress teach her anything?) And if she wanted to write sexually explicit letters to Letterman she should have mailed them instead of leaving them laying around for her boyfriend to find and use as blackmail bait. She is not a victim, the others he dallied with are not victims, the network airing his now through-the-roof ratings show is certainly not a victim, so what the hell is anyone (including me) talking about this for?

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