Friday, December 11, 2009

4C Blue

As you can see by the seven plus days since my last blog, things are kinda hectic here. Hour after hour I sat in front of my laptop trying to make a dent in my Christmas shopping list as my feet swell from lack of circulation. End result, fat feet. No dent. I scanned Ebay, Amazon and any website that promised a shipment in time for Christmas. If they offered free shipping I lingered longer on their site hoping for an idea, a great find, a wow-that-would-be-great-for-so-and-so moment! But alas, nothing came. I almost bought a hydroponics garden for a friend, (the one that grows herbs on your kitchen counter with no dirt) but then I thought, I have no counter space for this why would I assume she would like to clutter hers with something that could just as easily be grown outdoors. delete I almost bought Uggs for my daughter. Those are boots that look like you should be racing sled dogs. They are popular and comfortable so I hear. (I personally have never found ones that would fit over my calves) Sold out of her size. delete Candles are always a nice idea. But I think I bought a lot of people a lot of candles last year. Wish I could remember who? delete I did see several things that I already bought, at much better prices, but the fact that they were already in my house, wrapped and under the tree, I didn’t care one bit!   Note:  As I am writing this I have the Barbara Walters special on, (I DVR’d it) and she is interviewing Sarah Palin. I am listening more than watching and I just heard Palin say she can’t wait to eat Moose Chili with her family. God I hope she doesn’t run for president. The same knuckleheads that put Obama in office may do the same for her.

Anyway, I got my list out to check who I still have to buy for. Oops, everyone. The only ones that I have finished are my grandchildren. Six trips to Toys R Us and I am the proud owner of every wrestling figure, baby doll, and electronic game that is new to the shelves this year. They are wrapped and ready to go. Thanks to my son I found a site called Tons of stuff to look at. Tons of stuff on sale. Tons of deals. Ok too much for me, my head is on overload. delete

I wasn’t making very good progress on line so I decided to brave the mall. As I drove into the parking lot terrified that I was going to get my head sheared off by the low ceilings I mentally prepared myself for the stifling heat and slow moving sales clerks. I took the elevator from the parking lot making note of where I parked. 4C Blue Old age or fears of dementia had me repeating the parking level til I actually entered Macys.   4C Blue 4C Blue 4C Blue   Once inside Macys I was sprayed with colognes that I couldn’t pronounce or afford, offered $20 to take a survey which would take about an hour (I refused), and nearly killed myself attempting the escalator with the odd shaped shopping cart. I found gifts for a few people on my list and used three of four of my one-day-only coupons. Thoroughly feeling like I accomplished something great I wisely headed for the elevator to go to the 4th floor for the coveted boxes. The line there was horrific and I considered leaving, but a nice man explained that I was on the gift wrapping line. A lane shift and I got my boxes. As I headed for the mall elevator to go to parking garage   4C Blue 4C Blue   I passed Nathan’s. It was lunchtime and there is nothing more appealing to me than a Nathan’s hot dog and famous fries. Ignoring the low to no carbs diet I am attempting to adhere to, I considered a detour. Luckily for my waistline (ok so I don’t have one, but I needed an analogy here) the bags I was carrying were too heavy and too cumbersome to stop without running the risk of having my wallet and basically my life pick pocketed while I paid for my dog. I passed up the beckoning green and yellow sign and got into the elevator.   4C Blue 4C Blue   I pressed 6. Don’t ask, I have no idea how I did that. The doors opened, I got out and walked in the direction I had parked my car. Not there. A teeny tiny twist in my stomach…. stolen? I looked up at the sign on the wall where my car should have been. 6C Blue. Relieved, I found my parking spot, found my car and left the mall garage. Almost. I forgot I needed two dollars for the parking fee. I pulled over and found $1.85 in change in the bottom of my bag. The woman in the pay booth felt sorry for me and lifted the gate and let me out. I can't wait to get home and point and click.

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