Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dumb and Dumber..........

For the past few days all I have heard or read about are two things. Tiger Woods car accident and the Salahi’s unwelcome visit to the White House. First of all I don’t care what blond Tiger Woods is texting dirty little ditty’s to, who he is canoodling with while Mrs. Gazillionaire is tending to the kiddies, and whether or not the blond in his bed is his wife. Hell I don’t care if he is sleeping with his dog. And second, if the Salahi’s did get in uninvited…then good for them. (hang on, I’ll explain)

Tiger Woods, is just another one of those wealthy black men who feel the need to date, marry and cheat on an attractive blond, white woman. (think OJ) For some reason when a young, good looking black man financially capitalizes on a god-given talent….they want white meat. The sisters have to settle for the kinda rich, instead of the really, really rich. And then they have kids. They aren’t white, they aren’t black…(think Obama) So when they grow up to financially capitalize on a god-given talent, who do they want? Asian?
Ok so he hypothetically cheats on blond #1, who by the way was a nanny until she met her meal ticket husband. She finds out about blond #2, chases him around with a golf club (how appropriate is that?!), he runs from the house (I like to think screaming) to his car where he promptly hits a tree or fire hydrant depending on which newspaper you read. Maybe he hit both. Either way, who did he hurt? Was Mr. Woods going to pay off my credit card debt this Christmas if he hadn’t hit that tree? No? So then why the hell would I care? Something does trouble me however. In the next couple of weeks more and more beautiful blonds will surface saying they had sex, an affair, a relationship, a dalliance, knocked books, made love, or got it on with him. And none of it would really matter if there was no proof. Hell, I could say I got jiggy with the randy golfer, but since I’m not blond, and cute as a button doesn’t count, I wouldn’t be credible. Why oh why would he text these…ummm women….knowing they could easily select SAVE and he would be history if they so choose. Was he not paying attention in class when Bill was done in by the soiled little blue dress? All in all another marriage will tank because someone couldn’t keep the little dragon under wraps. But Tiger’s wife will be fine, she is in good company. There are many other celebrity millionaire wives out there nursing their divorce wounds with tens and twenties. 
As this blog was being sent to post Tiger admitted some indiscretions, a audio tape was released on which he is telling one of his indiscretions that his wife has been looking thru his cell phone and may be calling her. Dumb, dumb, dumb! What did he have her listed under, ‘I’ for indiscretion? He should have used Nike, or Rolex or American Express….or any of the other endorsed products he will probably be losing right about now. Did I mention dumb?

The Salahi’s. Michaele and Tareq Salahi. Come-on?!….Bob and Carol Smith….slip on through! John and Mary Jones…..come right in! But Tareq Salahi…..didn’t he kill soldiers in Ft Hood a few weeks ago. Oh no, sorry, that was Nidal Malik Hasan….anyone see a pattern here? These two celebrity seeking individuals not only had the chutzpah to get all gussied up, drive to the white house without an invite, smile at the security guards and the secret service, and eventually shake the hand of our Commander in Chief. I think that bears repeating….our Commander in Chief, the highest ranking government official we have, and Tareq is shaking his hand. I went to Washington in the Spring and I couldn’t even get a supervised tour of the White House…and Obama was out of the country at the time. So they went through a metal detector, big deal. Ever hear of toxins, plastic explosives…..FISTS? No one is in disagreement that someone, actually A LOT of someones, dropped the ball on this one. Big Time! But to hear people making noise that previous white presidents had better security makes me want to gag! Obama appointed his security team, can we at least hold him a little responsible for this as well. And did someone forget that Mama Obama was white? But back to the Salahi’s….they want to be celebrities, now they are. It might be short lived, but their crazy stunt that landed them on the front page of newpapers across the country proves that we are still far from safe. What chance do you and I have if the most famous house in the land is unsafe? Lock the doors, the Salahi’s are coming to dinner!

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