Wednesday, November 11, 2009

.....whats right is right.....

There are times when things just feel out of whack. There are things happening in our world that just seem to get crazier and crazier. Yup, I read the newspaper, the way I do every morning and well….it just keeps getting worse. In addition to the fact that none of my lottery numbers hit, the news was very depressing to say the least.

An editor from the NY Post is suing because she says she was wrongfully fired after complaining about a cartoon which she thought was racist….cops shooting a monkey (who in life had just attacked a woman in Connecticut) and the caption read ‘they are going to get someone else to write the stimulus bill’ meaning that it was so bad a monkey could have written it. She along with others, thought the monkey was supposed to be Obama and it showed him getting shot. Only it wasn’t Obama it was a….MONKEY! A monkey that was in the headlines that whole week. In fact the lady that was mauled by that MONKEY was on Oprah today…poor thing. So who’s the racist? But she is suing and she will win because people who think everything is a racial slur have rights too!

Sesame Street turns 40. Wow…I guess I have been watching it since I am like 14...can that be? And why the hell was a 14 year old watching Sesame Street anyway? Rumors have been around for weeks that Cookie Monster is going green. Yup, like Oscar and Kermit. Veggie monster. Eats only vegetables instead of those bad, bad, fattening cookies he loves so much. Even poor Sesame Street is falling prey to this liberal shit that is taking down our country. Yes kids are fat, but I assure you it has nothing to do with Sesame Street or a blue puppet. Excuse me, Muppet! If they want to make cookies the villian then make cookie monster fat, not a vegan. But hey, even fat vegans have rights too!

The wife of a lieutenant has made available the contents of his suicide note. He killed himself after ordering the Tasering of a former mental patient…naked, raving and flailing a flourescent light bulb at officers. He fell to his death from the ledge he was perched on. The pictures of this man with his three children and wife make you realize that sometimes when you do a job like keeping the streets safe from both criminals as well as mental patients, sometimes things go wrong. Now, two families are devastated because the system that should have mandated the mental patient be contained failed and let him out. And now he is dead. Good job! Poor mental patients have rights too!

The recipient of some clothes that the murderous Muslim gave away before he shot up Fort Hood speaks out. He won’t wear the clothes, ‘its like touching evil,’ ‘I hope he rots‘….he will however sell them on Ebay and make some money. Did I miss something here? Throw them out. Give them to the poor. Tear them up for rags. But make money, no I think not….But opportunists have rights too!

Whack-a-do astronaut Lisa Novack who drove across country in diapers so that she could kill her lover’s lover… jail time. A year’s probation. When this orbital nutcase tries it again, and maybe succeeds I wonder if the judge will sleep good that night. Crazy astronauts have rights too!

Then there is the lawsuit filed against Target for selling a Halloween costume that had an alien head, an orange prison jumpsuit and a green card. Illegal Alien…Get it? Ha ha ha ha But Target will lose, and a law firm with cheap, tacky infomercials will win. Hellloooo…it’s a costume! Poking fun at felons. Yes entering the country illegally is a felony. I guess felons have rights too!

A Pennsylvania firefighter was suspended without pay for refusing to remove an American flag sticker from his locker. The issue started when a joke was posted on the outside of a locker which, of course, offended someone. To appease the offended party everyone was directed to remove everything from the outside of their lockers. Although several fireman protested, all complied….but one fireman did not believe that the one inch square American flag sticker he had left on his locker needed to be removed. He then refused to remove the sticker stating that if the flag offended anyone, they shouldn’t be working there. He was suspended. Last time I checked this was America…home of the free, the brave…etc etc and we were represented by an American flag. Have we all gone nuts? Don’t Americans have rights anymore?

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