I love reality TV. I love to see people fall on their faces and make asses out of themselves. Or fall on their asses and make faces, either way, I lo
ve the competition and all the deviate behavior that comes with it. I love to see people lie and cheat to get to the end…the winners circle…the final tribal council. I want to see who gets fired, voted off, fell off the wagon, can’t carry a tune and didn’t make it to the final two. Simply, I enjoy a good embarrassing moment…and yes I have to admit I want the biggest losers to get on that massive scale and show that they’ve packed on a few even while sweating and puking on national TV. But not everyone likes the reality shows. Some will watch anything just have the TV on. A friend of mine watches so much TV that QVC sent her a birthday card. Cablevision sent her a “we will miss you” card when she downgraded her service. Net Flix worries if they don’t get a return envelope from her in 24 hours. To say that she is a TV junkie would be an understatement. If she ever dropped dead on the couch, which is more than likely where she will inevitably meet her demise, it would be weeks before anyone would notice. Her son would come to visit and just assume, while exceptionally quiet, Mom was just watching her British soap operas and head on home to Queens. Then there is my sister in law who watches little if any TV. She hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon to watch Survivor, or American Idol or any other everyone-is-talking-about-but-wont-admit-to-enjoying shows. She watches Jeopardy. Because it is a smart show. I suspect that when no one is watching, a few good looking detectives make it to her TV screen and along with her coffee cup and her ashtray she entertains the Law & Order cast. I think she is teaching them how to knit. Then there is Kathy who records everything. She’ll watch it when she gets the time. When she’s not at work at any of her 37 jobs. She’ll watch when she thinks she won’t fall asleep two minutes after she sits down. She…..loves the cooking shows. The Top Chef, Master Chef, Iron Chef, Naked Chef (my personal favorite), Chef Tell, Miami Chef, Take Home Chef and Chef of the Future. (can it core a apple?) She has no time to cook, she has no time to even watch someone else cook but with her DVR, every diced date, minced mushroom and chopped chicken breast is recorded for a better time. Now if someone could come up with a show where the contestants are cops that can cook, eat, get fat, sell jewelry, make fire, get fired, and answer the daily double it would be a bigger hit than the Yankees sweeping the Red Sox!

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