Tuesday, August 18, 2009

....sometimes an angry poet

I had to make a call today,
The number had escaped me,
I dialed the 4 and then two 1’s,
So someone there could help me.

But first I got that android voice
The one that talks too slow,
It asks me now, “what listing please?”
I give it all I know.

A moment pause and then a voice,
This one for sure was live,
I needed to repeat it all,
I guess the android lies.

She asked me for the spelling,
Next time I’ll use the book,
I could’ve sent a letter,
For all the time this took.

She tells me there’s no listing,
Which of course I know is wrong,
I spell it once again for her,
It’s taking way too long.

Another voice is talking,
I didn't catch his name,
He asked again to spell it,
I just can’t play this game.

I started getting nasty now,
My attitude had changed,
And then he said calm down to me,
As if I was deranged.

I felt my pressure rising,
Why’s this guy insulting me,?
I tried my best, I really did,
To not act childishly.

I cursed his mother and at him,
And wished that he was dead,
I went to slam the phone on him,
I clutched my chest instead.

I had to make a call today,
As numbness came upon me,
I dialed the 9 and then two 1’s,
So someone there could help me.

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