I hate Rachel Ray. Ok all you foodies out there, don’t get your panties in a bunch…I don’t really hate her. I hate that she shortens every expression into some cutesy idiom….like she doesn’t have enough breath to say sandwiches, so she calls them Sammies. Two syllables instead of three. And when she repeatedly uses E-V-O-O (which stands for extra virgin olive oil) it feels like chalk on a blackboard making my skin goose up. Was it really necessary to save those three syllables? Did someone script that or did she really figure that out herself? When she started using Yum-O as her signature phrase I had no idea that too was a shortened axiom (Yummy and Oh Wow)..…she shoulda left me in the dark with that one. How freakin’ lazy can you get? But she quickly named her wonderful non-profit organization Yum-O which makes it all but impossible for people like me to denounce it. But it’s not just Rachel, it’s everyone. We are just lazy by nature and getting lazier every day. I heard someone request a mani-pedi at the nail salon and it made me want to attack her with an emery board. A woman hours away from giving birth told someone she was preggers! I would have rathered her say she was with child, had a bun in the oven, expecting, eating for two or just plain knocked up! National Geographic jumped on the bandwagon and is now calling themselves NatGeo….oh, the humanity! I had only just recently come to accept the entertainment world’s discovery of contracted names, like J-Lo, A-Rod, K-Fed, TomKat, and my personal favorite, Brangelina when a commercial for Sunny Delight, a citrus flavored beverage was being referred to as “Sunny D”. Cute, memorable.…thoroughly annoying. But then McDonald’s followed with the famous Mickey D’s. Same three syllables, just catchier I guess, but even more annoying. Who thinks this stuff up? Some guy with a leaky pen and a faulty pocket protector is making a gazillion dollars coming up with these catch phrases that we have made part of our speech. I remember when we wrote ‘ha ha ha’ when we wanted some one to know we were kidding…LOL now….laughing out loud. I wonder what “ha ha ha” stood for?
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