Me - Hello Lynn…
Her - hello quick-quick…
Me -How are you?….
Her - unintelligible answer through the mask…
Me - Good, good! (nodding and smiling) How is your son?
Her - unintelligible Okinawian accent
Me - Oh, that’s good. (bigger nod, broader smile)
Our conversation would be non-existent if it weren’t for the old nod and smile routine. She could have told me her dog was hit by a train and there I was nodding and smiling. But hey, take off the mask and speak English if you want me to be sincere. Then again she could have been saying that my double chin makes me look like a blow fish…I’d have no idea at all.
I went to get my nails done on Saturday, a particularly busy day in the nail world especially in the summertime when normally skeevy feet are exposed in sandals. Each little piglet must be primped and painted for display. I wisely called ahead for an appointment.
Me - Lynn please
Them - linh....Linh....LINH....L I N H !
Her - linh here
Me - Hi Lynn, I need an appointment for this afternoon please
Her - who?
Me- It's quick quick
Her - ahhh quick quick, no come 3
Me- ok not 3, then when
Her - no come 3 come 4
Me - Ok so 4 oclock?
Her - no come 3
Me - ok 4 it is
Her - maybe 3 come better
Me - Ok 3 then
Her - see you at 4
Having no idea what time my appointment was I arrived at 3, where upon seeing me she flew into a full blown Okinawian tirade, complete with hand gestures and I am sure the crane kick. I had come when she had not only someone's skeevy little piggies in her hands, but a ten pack of tiny toes waiting to be primped. I told her I would be back at 4 and backed out of the salon like Daniel-son limped off the mat.
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